Festive Holiday Cookie Recipes
Here is where you will find all my festive holiday cookie recipes. All these cookies are easy to share with friends and family. So enjoy the holidays throughout the year from New Years and Valentine's Day to birthdays and Christmas!
From beautiful iced German gingerbread hearts called Lebkuchen Herzen to gluten free fortune cookies with custom messages, you'll find all the best sweet holiday cookies.
German Marzipan Cookies | Bethmännchen
Peanut Butter Thumbprint Cookies with Chocolate Puddles
Jam Thumbprint Cookies | Kulleraugen or Engelsaugen
Easy Cinnamon Star Cookies | Zimtsterne
Spekulatius Cookies | Crispy Spiced German Biscuits
Authentic German Springerle Cookies with Anise
Spritzgebäck | German Spritz Cookies without a Press
Spitzbuben | Swiss Strawberry Jam Cookies
Linzer Raspberry Cookies
Vanillekipferl (Vanilla Crescent Cookies)
German Butter Cookies | Butterkekse
German Gingerbread Hearts | Lebkuchenherzen
Pfeffernüsse Spiced Cookies without White Pepper
German Gingerbread Cookies (Lebkuchen)
Chewy Sugar-Coated Molasses Crinkle Cookies
Easy Harry Potter Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing
Chocolate Strawberry Macarons
Chunky Birthday Cake Cookies from Scratch
Chunky Red Velvet Oreo Cookies (without chocolate chips)
Gluten Free Fortune Cookies
Hagrid's Hut Ginger bread House
How to Make a Christmas Cookie Box
Spring Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing